
Nourishing health and fueling minds

食物把人们聚集在一起:它建立联系,加强社区,激发快乐. Across industries and continents, 我们的综合食品亿宝彩票app官网创造了为健康和福祉设定新标准的体验, 生产力, and sustainability – contributing to a happier, 更具创造力的员工队伍.


Across industries and continents

Who can't remember a delicious meal or a great cup of coffee? 食物直接影响着人们对地方的感觉,企业必须通过为员工提供最好的食物体验来最大化这一点, 客户及访客. 

Chefs cooking food at cafe kitchen


如今的知识型员工对工作场所的食物抱有很高的期望. 美味的, 精心准备和专业亿宝彩票app官网的健康食品可以激发你的员工,并激发他们对你的业务更大的忠诚度, while also making your workplace attractive to new talent.


Maintaining high 生产力

When we eat well, we perform well. 我们的美味, 营养食品在保持生产工人工作时的注意力方面发挥着重要作用,有助于增加正常运行时间, reduce the risk of employee error and cut the number of sick days.

食物 waste in iron bowl and cutting board


我们的医疗保健食品专家了解平衡营养的重要性, 增加水合作用,满足过敏和饮食需求,作为医疗保健专业人员护理患者回到最佳健康状态. By creating menus specifically designed to address the needs of patients, healthcare professionals and visitors, 我们可以帮助加速恢复,让人们更快乐、更健康地回家. 

Brazilian female boss eating at office cafeteria. .


Solutioning 食物 Programs

我们的方法是创造个性化的体验,解决您组织的需求. Based on a holistic development process, we engage you and your 茶ms to define a food program, that represents the core nutritional and community needs of your workplace.

了解更多 about our 食物 Programshttp://www.guckenheimer.com/en-us
Majorca Plaza Mayor in Palma de Mallorca


Serving Up a Town Square 食物 Delivery Model

As companies begin to reopen and bring people back to work, 问题仍然是,我们大流行后的工作方式将如何改变工作中的粮食未来. Learn how food services will adapt.

Serving Up a Town Square 食物 Delivery Model/的见解/的见解/serving-up-a-town-square-food-delivery-model
Baked sweet potato with salad

A fresh 方法 to food experiences

好的食物体验可以使人们快乐和健康,同时也提高了地方的标准. 我们对食物的态度符合你对一个工作、思考或给予的地方的需求. From everyday kitchen and food services to pop-up concepts and fine-dining, 我们根据您的口味为您量身定制食物体验,并提供市场上最好的食物.

餐厅 & 外卖

一家好的餐厅是你组织的公共中心,也是你整个文化的核心. Nourish your diners with healthy, freshly prepared breakfast, lunch or 外卖 dinners, served by a 茶m that cares about your people and their wellbeing.


永远不要低估一杯好咖啡或好茶的力量——它能让人们团结起来,甚至能提高工作效率. We make it quick and easy to grab a barista-brewed coffee, 茶, and other drinks and snacks on the go.

热情好客 & 餐饮

Every meeting is potentially decisive for your company. With refreshments designed and delivered for productive meetings, we’ll help you create that “wow” meeting, 保持高水平的创造力,让人们精力充沛,这样就不会在饥肠辘辘或疲惫不堪的情况下做出决定.

弹出窗口 & 商业合作伙伴

通过快闪店或高街概念店将外部世界带入你的工作场所. 您的员工和访客将品尝到各种各样的食物概念,并为他们的一天带来兴奋-享受在全球烹饪场景中尝试新品牌和知名品牌的机会.

美食 & 事件餐饮

一次难忘的美食体验或公司活动都能激励同事, 加强组织文化,建立忠诚和持久的客户关系. Let us design and deliver your bespoke entertainment and 餐饮, 包括高端, 专业的私人餐厅体验,竞争最好的餐厅.

Micro-kitchens & 自动售货



creative dining solutions

国际空间站 Guckenheimer

国际空间站 delivers food services through our 国际空间站 Guckenheimer brand. 国际空间站于2017年收购了古肯海默,以加强我们为客户提供亿宝彩票app官网的广度,并增强我们影响员工体验的能力. At its core, Guckenheimer believes in chef-crafted, fresh food – always. 我们是一个由食品专家组成的团队,将强烈的好奇心带到工作场所,以提供符合您文化的各种烹饪解决方案, 值, 设施类型.

了解更多 about 国际空间站 Guckenheimerhttp://guckenheimer.com/


How we’re putting plants forward

作为一家全球性公司,我们致力于对可持续发展产生积极影响. Our people are passionate champions. We’ve been developing services, like our Power Plant food service, 这对我们很有帮助, and our customers improve people’s health while caring for the planet.



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From 新加坡 to San Francisco, 我们的专家为领先的公司和行业带来新的和正宗的食物体验-使食物成为他们工作场所的核心部分. Always at our high standards and delivered by people who care. We create places fit for all kinds of foodies, bringing your culture to life around memorable mealtime moments, which help diners eat right, 绿色环保,好好生活.

  • 我们的营养丰富的菜肴是新鲜准备的,使用最好的时令农产品. 
  • 我们从世界各地招募和培养熟练的食品亿宝彩票app官网专业人员,他们对美味的食物和有趣的体验充满热情. 
  • We ensure the highest standards of hygiene in the industry, creating clean and safe places for people to enjoy their food and drinks.   
  • 例如,我们使用最新的技术使食物体验变得更好, offering 外卖 at the tap of a button, 通过办公桌送餐亿宝彩票app官网将食物直接送到用户手中,甚至可以在远程工作时将食物送到用户家中, 使用人工智能来追踪食物浪费,使厨房更具可持续性.  


Towards a smarter, more sustainable future 

Together with our leading customers, 我们努力减少对环境的影响,并在今年和未来的许多年里大幅减少食物浪费.  With technology and care for the planet, our goals are to actively reduce food waste at thousands of locations. 







Stories about people, places and planet